Chairs: |
Zhengyou Zhang |
Microsoft Research |
Marc Pollefeys |
ETH Zurich |
Chairs: |
Gang Hua |
Nokia Research Hollywood |
Yun Fu |
SUNY Buffalo |
Matthew Turk |
Committee: |
Aaron Bobick |
Georgia Tech |
Horst Bischof |
Graz Univ. of
Tech., Austria |
Matthew Brown
Switzerland |
Roberto Cesar |
Univ. of San
Paulo, Brazil |
Tim Cheng |
Jason Corso |
SUNY Buffalo |
Jan-Michael Frahm |
UNC,Chapel Hill |
Radek Grzeszczuk |
Nokia Research
Palo Alto |
Mei Han |
Google Research |
Tony X. Han |
Univ. of
Missouri at Columbia |
Xian-Sheng Hua |
Research Asia, China |
Kevin Koeser |
ETH Zurich |
Thommen Korah |
Nokia Research
Hollywood |
Jana Kosecka |
Univ. of George
Mason |
Shihong Lao |
Omron, Japan |
Zicheng Liu |
research |
Jiebo Luo |
Kodak Research |
Vicent Lepetit |
Switzerland |
Nuria Oliver |
Spain |
Yoichi Sato |
Univ. of Tokyo,
Japan |
Caifeng Shan |
Research, Netherland |
Boaz Super |
Motorola Labs |
Qi Tian |
Univ. of Texas,
San Antonio |
Ming-Hsuan Yang |
Univ. of
California, Merced |
Junsong Yuan |
Nanyang Tech.
Univ, Singapore |
Ying Wu |
Univ. |
Xu Zhao |
Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.
China |
News: |
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to extend their papers for
submission to the IJCV Special Issue on Mobile Vision (schedule
coming out soon).
Deadline is 03/10/2010, 11:30pm PST due to setting
limitation from the submission website.
Supplementary file is limited to be 10M and the sites are
open now.
If you have a late submission before 03/16/2010, you may
email the workshop organizer, but please register your paper
Program are ready, click
here for the full program.
Mission: |
Cameras are ubiquitous due to the proliferation of mobile devices. Most of these
cameras are embedded in networked mobile computing devices with
ever increasing computational power, providing infrastructure to
develop smart environments that support a wide range of new
functionality. Emerging applications of computer vision have great potential for innovation in these
areas. The focus of this workshop is on exploring the new
opportunities and challenges of computer vision technologies in
mobile and smart environments. The workshop provides a forum
to researchers to identify critical problems and propose
effective novel solutions in this emerging area. |
Important Dates: |
Paper Submission
Deadline: 03/10/2010 (click
to submit...) |
Notification of
Acceptance: 04/02/2010 |
Final Manuscript
04/15/2010 (same as CVPR'2010 main conference final manuscript
due) |
Workshop Day:
06/18/2010 |
for Papers: |
Computer vision is essential for providing rich interactive
experiences to users in mobile and smart environments. In
particular, visual recognition, 3D modeling, tracking, human
computer interaction, interactive vision and visualization, and
multimodal integration are some of the key technologies for
progress in the area. Submissions in all areas of computer
vision and pattern recognition in mobile and smart environment
are welcome. Key areas include, but are not limited to: |
- Mobile mixed reality
- Mobile and internet vision
- Mobile video games
- Mobile perceptual
- Human action/activity
- Multimodal vision system
- Mobile computational
- Mobile visual information
retrieval and search
- Mobile visual computing for
social networks
- Multiple-view analysis and
3D models
- Compoutational methods for
multiple sensor fusion
- Interactive image/video
- Human computer interaction
- Soft-biometrics in mobile
and smart environments
- Emotion, gesture,
expressiona analysis
- Audio-visual personal
- Other Mobile related
Submission and
Review Policy: |
In submitting a manuscript to this workshop, the authors
acknowledge that no paper substantially similar in content has
been submitted to another conference or workshop before or
during the review period. Submission and review
process should follow the standard CVPR main conference
submissions. Please follow the paper submission web site at to submit your manuscript.
Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers from the
program committee. |
Keynotes Speakers: |
Sponsors: |
Contacts: |
For questions,
please email |