IFAC'96: 13th World Congress
Congress Prizes

All three prizes listed below will be presented at the closing ceremony.

1996 IFAC Congress Young Author Prize

The 1996 IFAC Congress Young Author Prize, of value sfr 1500, will be awarded for the best paper by an author (or authors) younger than 35 years at the time of the Congress. Applications had to be sent to the Chair of the '96 IFAC Congress Young Author Prize Committee by February 26, 1996. The first round of selection is based on written papers and five finalists were selected. The winner will be decided during the Congress based on the quality of both his/her written paper and presentation. Your inputs on the five finalists to the YAP committee will be appreciated.

The five finalists are:

YAP Committee Members are: Lei Guo, Shinji Hara, David Hill, Heikki Koivo, Yury Orbov, T-J. Tarn, Masayoshi Tomzuka (Chair) and Carlos Canudas de Wit.

1996 IFAC Congress Applications Paper Prize

This prize, of value sfr 1500.00, will be awarded to the authors of the paper judged to be the best applications paper presented at the Congress. To be considered, the paper should describe an innovative application of advanced control techniques to an industrial problem, and should give clear evidence of the benefits to be derived thereby. Candidate papers have been identified by the IPC, and reviewed by members of the Applications Paper Prize Committee. In addition, individuals may have submitted their papers for consideration; such papers had to reach the Chairman of the Committee by March 1, 1996. Members of the Committee will also review the full set of papers to be presented, to identify additional candidate papers. They will attend the presentations of as many candidate papers as possible, and will then make their final decision during the Congress.

1996 IFAC Congress Poster Paper Prize

The 1996 IFAC Congress will have a Best Poster Paper Prize, based on both the quality of the paper and the presentation. The Best Poster Paper will be selected by a subcommittee of the IPC. The prize consists of a certificate and sfr 1500.00.

AACC Awards Ceremony

The AACC Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday July 4, 1996 at 4:00 pm. This event will feature the presentation of the annual awards sponsored by the American Automatic Control Council (the US National Member Organization of IFAC and host of this Congress). The ceremony will be followed by a reception.

The awards presented are:

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