IFAC'96: 13th World Congress
Registration Forms

Congress Registration

IFAC '96 Congress registrations are available using the Congress Registration Form (also available in Postscript). The deadline for advanced registration was April 15, 1996. Full and student registration fees include the Opening Ceremony and Reception, the Closing Ceremony, and Congress Publications (see next paragraph). Full registration also includes the Congress Dinner.

Full and student registration also includes one plenary/index volume, two subject volumes of choice, and a CD ROM containing all publications. (See Congress Publications and Policy for more information.) Additional subject volumes (up to three) may be ordered with advance registration at a cost of US$18.00 each. Subject volumes will be US$24.00 on-site. NOTE: Subject volume choices are guaranteed only for those who advance register.

On Saturday, June 29, there will be six introductory tutorials. On Sunday, June 30, there will be six advanced tutorials. Full registration cost for tutorials is US$250.00 for one tutorial and US$375.00 for two. Student registration is US$100 for one tutorial; US$200 for two.

Hotel Registration

Hotel registrations, using the Hotel Registration Form (also available in Postscript), must have been received by the hotel by May 30, 1996, and guaranteed by credit card, check or money order covering one night's charge plus tax.

The San Francisco Marriott Hotel has been swamped with faxed reservations, and are working as quickly as possible to clear the backlog. Please be patient if you are waiting for the hotel to confirm your reservations!

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