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DemoMy pre-dissertation work in the field of functional brain imaging was with the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, at the National Institutes of Health. There I was involved in the acquisition and anaACPClysis of functional MRI (fMRI) data, and in the development of a method for cortical survace averaging across subjects. Typical averaging methods distort the brain, either to a standard volume or a standard cortical pattern. In contrast to this, our method simply imposes a standardized mesh onto the surface of the brain. Averaging is then performed by mesh index, without distortion and within the original space of the brain [1].

Journal Publications

[1]   B. D. Argall, Z. S. Saad, and M. S. Beauchamp. Simplified Intersubject Averaging on the Cortical Surface Using SUMA. Human Brain Mapping, 27(1):14-27, 2006.   [pdf]

[2]   M. S. Beauchamp, B. D. Argall, J. Bodurka, J. H. Duyn, and A. Martin. Unraveling Multisensory Integration: Patchy Organization within Human STS Multisensory Cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 7(11):1190-1192, 2004.   [pdf]

[3]   M. S. Beauchamp, K. E. Lee, B. D. Argall, and A. Martin. Integration of Auditory and Visual Information about Objects in Superior Temporal Sulcus. Neuron, 41:809-823, 2003.   [pdf]

Referreed Conference Publications

[4]   Z. S. Saad, R. C. Reynolds, B. D. Argall, S. Japee, and R. W. Cox. SUMA: An Interface For Surface-Based Intra- And Inter-Subject Analysis With AFNI, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Arlington, Virginia, April 2004.   [pdf]

B. D. Argall, Z. S. Saad, A. Martin, M. S. Beauchamp. A Comparison between Surface and Volume-based Averaging Techniques for Cross-Subject fMRI Analysis. In Proceedings of the 33rd Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, Abs. 863.12, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2003.  

Z. S. Saad, B. D. Argall, M. S. Beauchamp, S. Japee, R. W. Cox. Standard Cortical Surface Models for Node-Based Cross-Subject Analysis. In Proceedings of the 33rd Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, Abs. 863.21, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2003.

M. S. Beauchamp, K. Lee, B. D. Argall, A. Martin. Regions in Temporoparietal Junction and Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus That Integrate Auditory and Visual Information about Complex Objects. In Proceedings of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Abs. 319, New York, New York, May 2003.

M. S. Beauchamp, K. E. Lee, B. D. Argall, A. Martin. A Region in Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus that Integrates Auditory and Visual Information about Complex Objects. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Abs. 64., New York, New York, June 2003.

Z. S. Saad, B. D. Argall, M. S. Beauchamp, S. A. Japee, R. W. Cox. Standard Meshes for Inter- and Intra-Subject Surface-based Analysis with Minimal Interpolation. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Abs. 1145, New York, New York, June 2003.