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    Home Video Structuring with Shot Clustering

    Fan Jiang and Yu-Jin Zhang


    Content-based video structuring above shot level faces technical challenges in semantic feature extraction and flexible shot cluster organization. Aiming at solving these problems, a two-layer shot clustering approach for home video structuring, which operates directly in MPEG domain, is proposed. Such an approach goes one-step further than conversional one-layer structure to constructs a hierarchical content structure to represent more details of video contents as well as their interior correlations. With two independent aspects of human perception taken into consideration, this structure provides fine-grained organization of video shots. Promising results are achieved in the experiments made on MPEG-7 test videos.

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    1. Yu-Jin Zhang and Fan Jiang, "Home Video Structuring with A Two-Layer Shot Clustering Approach," in Proc. IEEE Int’l Symposium on Commun., Control and Signal Process., pp. 500-504, Malta, Mar 2008.
    2. Fan Jiang and Yu-Jin Zhang, "Camera Attention Weighted Strategy for Video Shot Grouping," in Proc. SPIE Visual Commun. and Image Process., vol. 5960, pp. 428-436, Beijing, China, 2005.

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