Peter Scheuermann

Peter Scheuermann

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - EECS
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
Northwestern University

Research Project: Quality of Data in Sensor Networks
SN-TOD (Sensor Networks and Trade-Off Decisions)

Description: The main goal of our research is to investigate the trade-offs that arise when one needs to strike a balance between:

Various Quality of DATA (QoD) aspects, e.g.,

  • timely delivery of the measured value;
  • boundary on the error of the value,
Extending the lifetime of the individual nodes and the network as a whole.

Towards that end, we have developed our own similator SIDnet that is equipped with a graphical interface and enables the users to interact with various parameters (e.g., queries, routing structures, nodes' failures, deployment schemas, phenomena fluctuations, etc.). A detailed description for the project, along with the publicly available package of the SIDnet is available here: SIDnet (Note: the initial version of the simulator, used in the "Information Management in Sensor Networks" course, in Fall 2007, was called SNSim).

This site was updated on October 14, 2005 by JRW