Assignment 2 – A Taste of Proofs

Assignment 2 – A Taste of Proofs

Due Fri 4/14 11:59pm

Consider the function flcon:


(flcon xs ys)  (listof any/c)

  xs : (listof any/c)
  ys : (listof any/c)
#lang racket
(define (flcon xs ys)
  (match xs
    ['() ys]
    [(cons hd tl) (cons hd (flcon tl (cons hd ys)))]))


Give the value of the expression (flcon '(S C U N) '(3 9 6)). You can use DrRacket to compute the results.

Give a one sentence English description of what flcon does, in terms of its arguments xs and ys.

In exercise 1–4, we will prove (flcon xs (append ys zs))(append (flcon xs ys) zs) by induction on xs.

1. For the case xs := '(), we need to show the equivalence

(flcon '() (append ys zs))(append (flcon '() ys) zs).

Use the computation rules in the slides to prove it.

2. For the case xs := (cons l ls), what is the induction hypothesis?

3. Use the computation rules in the slides to show the equivalence

(flcon (cons l ls) (append ys zs))
(cons l (flcon ls (append (cons l ys) zs))).

You may assume that for all w, us and vs, (append (cons w us) vs)(cons w (append us vs)).

4. Combine exercise 1–3 to show that for all xs, (flcon xs (append ys zs))(append (flcon xs ys) zs).

In exercise 4, you may assume that for all l and ls,

(append (flcon (cons l ls) ys) zs)
(cons l (append (flcon ls (cons l ys)) zs)).