
Department of EECS
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Office L460
Evanston, IL 60208-3118

Office: 847.467.2299
Mobile: 847.445.4846
Email: aching AT ece DOT northwestern DOT edu


The HPIO (High-performance I/O) benchmark is a tool for evaluating/debugging noncontiguous I/O performance for MPI-IO. It allows the user to specify a variety of noncontiguous I/O access patterns and verify the output. It has been optimized for PVFS2 MPI-IO hints, but can be augmented to use MPI-IO hints for other file systems. One of the easiest ways to understand this benchmark is to read my IPDPS 2006 publication here (note that it was referred to as NCIO in the publication). Contact me for any additional information and/or suggestions.

2007.04.19 Download here (hpio-1.55.tar.gz). - Added an atomicity mode argument. Drastically changed the hints interface. Use the -H option to add as many MPI-IO hints as necessary at runtime.

2007.01.25 Download here (hpio-1.48.tar.gz). - Fixed correctness count of checked bytes, fixed filenames, and updated documentation.

HPIO Parameter Visualization