Dear visitor, I honestly don't (and, even more honestly, I doubt I ever will) understand that whole copyright ball-game when it comes to the publications presenting research materials. I tend to highly agree with Jeff Erickson (despite the modest claim that it is outdated, the page still has some neat links to the Computational Geometry sites, nice!!!) in his view on the copyright. Most of my publications are accessible through the DBLP, an excellent source of bibliographic materials (albeit, sometimes slightly-not 100% complete-in-time), for which credit must be given to Michael Ley. You can get the DBLP-available version of some of my publications if you look at my research page describing the crux of some of the topics I've worked on. In case you have any problems obtaining an electronic version of some of my publications, please drop me a line and I will respond promptly.

Book Chapters

  1. D. Kotsakos, G. Trajcevski, D. Gunopulos and C. Aggarwal. Time Series Data Clustering. In Data Clustering: Algorithms and Applications. Francis and Taylor, 2013.
  2. G. Trajcevski. Uncertainty in Spatial Trajectories. In Computing with Spatial Trajectories. Springer-Verlag, 2011.
  3. G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Active Database Systems.  Encyclopedia of Computer Science, John Willey, 2009.
  4. G. Trajcevski, O. Wolfson and P. Scheuermann. Compression of Mobile Location Data. Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2009.
  5. G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Moving Objects Uncertainty. Encyclopedia of GIS, Springer-Verlag, 2008.


  1. B. Avci, G. Trajcevski, R. Tamassia, F. Zhou and P. Scheuermann. Efficient Detection of Motion-Trend Predicates in Wireless Sensor Networks. Computer Communications Journal, (accepted, to appear), 2016.
  2. Y. Xie, Z. Chen, D. Palsetia, G. Trajcevski, A. Agarwal and A. Choudhary. SILVERBACK+: Scalable Association Mining via Fast List Intersection for Columnar Social Data. Knowledge and Information Systems, (accepted, to appear), 2016.
  3. B. Zhang, G. Trajcevski and L. Liu. Towards Fusing Uncertain Location Data From Heterogeneous Sources. GeoInformatica, 20(2), 2016
  4. O. Ghica, C. Nita-Rotaru, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Security of Electrostatic Field Persistent Routing: Attacks and Defense Mechanisms. Ad Hoc Networks, 36(1), 2016.
  5. M. Ali, A. Khokhar and G. Trajcevski. Energy Efficient Data Indexing and Query Processing for Static and Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal on Next Generation Computing, 6(2), 2015.
  6. S. Yazji, P. Scheuermann, R. Dick, G. Trajcevski and R. Jin. Efficient Location Aware Intrusion Detection to Protect Mobile Devices. (Special Issue on Security and Trust in Context-Aware Applications) Int.l Journal on Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC – Springer), 18(1), January 2014.
  7. X. Wang, A. Mueen, H. Ding, G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann and E. Keogh. Experimental Comparison of Representation Methods and Distance Measures for Time Series Data. Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD), 26(2), 2013.
  8. F. Zhou, G. Trajcevski, R. Tamassia, A. Khokhar and P. Scheuermann. Deflection-Aware Tracking Principals Selection in Active Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IEEE-TVT), 61(7), 2012.
  9. G. Trajcevski, R. Tamassia, I.F. Cruz, P. Scheuermann, D. Hartglass and C. Zamierowski. Ranking continuous nearest neighbors for uncertain trajectories. International Journal on Very Large Databases (VLDBJ), 20(5), 2011.
  10. O. Ghica, G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann, N. Valtchanov and Z. Bischoff. Controlled Multi-Path Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Bezier Curves. The Computer Journal, 52(2), 2011.
  11. O. Ghica, G. Trajcevski, U. Buy, O. Wolfson, F. Zhao, P. Scheuermann and D. Vaccaro: Trajectory Data Reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal on Next Generation Computing, 1(1), 2010.
  12. H. Ding, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann: Efficient Maintenance of Spatio-Temporal Queries for Trajectories. GeoInformatica Journal, 12 (3), 2008.
  13.  H. Cao, O. Wolfson and G. Trajcevski: Spatio-Temporal Data Reduction with Deterministic Error Bounds. International Journal on Very Large Databases (VLDBJ), 15(3), 2006.
  14. G. Trajcevski, O. Wolfson, K. Hinrichs and S. Chamberlain: Managing Uncertainty in Moving Objects Databases. ACM Transactions on Databases Systems (ACM TODS), 29(4), September 2004.
  15. G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann: Reactive Maintenance of Continuous Queries. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communication Review, 8(3), July 2004.
  16. G. Trajcevski, C. Baral and J. Lobo. Formalizing and Reasoning About the Requirements Specifications in Workflow Management Systems. International Journal on Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), 10(2), 2001.
  17. J. Lobo and G. Trajcevski. Minimal and Consistent Evolution of Knowledge Bases. Journal of Applied Non Classical Logic, 7(1-2), January 1997.

Conferences and Workshops

  1. B. Avci, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Tracking Uncertain Shapes with Probabilistic Bounds in Sensor Networks. International Conference on Advancing Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), August 2016.
  2. B. Zhang, G. Trajcevski and F. Liu. Clustering Speed in Multi-lane Traffic Networks. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2016 (accepted, to appear).
  3. M. Hussain, B. Avci, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Incorporating Weather Updates for Public Transportation Users of Recommendation Systems. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), June 2016.
  4. M. Hussain, P. Wongse-Ammat and G. Trajcevski. Distributed MaxRS in Wireless Sensor Networks (demo-paper). ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), November 2015.
  5. G. Trajcevski, I. Donevska, A. Vaisman, B. Avci, T. Zhang and D. Tian. “Semantics-Aware Warehousing of Symbolic Trajectories”. 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming (IWGS), November 2015.
  6. A. Zang, X. Cheng and G. Trajcevski. “Digital Terrain Model Generation using LiDAR Ground Points”.International ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS), November 2015.
  7. M. Mauder, M. Reisinger, T. Emrich, A. Zuefle, M. Renz, G. Trajcevski and R. Tamassia. “Minimal Spatio-Temporal Database Repairs”. Int.l Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), August 2015.
  8. M. Maruseac, G. Ghinita, B. Avci, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. “Privacy-Preserving Detection of Anomalous Phenomena in Crowdsourced Environmental Sensing”. Int.l Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), August 2015
  9. B. Zhang and G. Trajcevski. “The Tale of (Fusing) Two Uncertainties”. International Conference on Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL  GIS), November 2014.
  10. B.Avci, M. Hussain, B. Zhang and G. Trajcevski. “Evolving Shapes in Wireless Sensor Networks” (demo-paper). ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), November 2014.
  11. H. Xie, E. Tanin, L. Kulik, P. Scheuermann, G. Trajcevski and M. Fanaeepour. “Euler Histogram Tree: A Spatial Data Structure for Aggregate Range Queries on Vehicle Trajcectories”. International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (in conjunction with ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS2014), November 2014.
  12. M. Mohamed, A. Khokhar and G. Trajcevski. “Energy Efficient Resource Distribution for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks”. International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Mobile and Wireless Sensor Networks (in conjunction with IEEE MDM 2014), July 2014.
  13. B. Avci, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. “Managing Evolving Shapes in Sensor Networks”. International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), June 2014.
  14. Y. Xie, D. Palsetia, Y. Cheng, A. Agrawal, G. Trajcevski, A. Choudhary. “Silverback: Scalable Association Mining for Temporal Data in Columnar Probabilistic Databases”. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) – Industry Track, April 2014.
  15. X. Sung, A. Yaagoub, G. Trajcevski, H. Chen, P. Scheuermann and A. Chavalla. “P2EST: Parallelization Philosophies for Evaluating Spatio-Temporal Queries”. BIGSPATIAL 2013 Workshop (in conjunction with ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS2013). November 2013.
  16. M. Mohamed, A. Khokhar and G. Trajcevski. “Voronoi Trees for Hierarchical In-Network Data and Space Abstractions in Wireless Sensor Networks”. ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems. November, 2013.Note: Best Short Paper Award
  17. M.Mauder, T. Emrich, A. Zufle, G. Trajacevski, M. Renz and H.-P. Kriegel. “Minimal Spatio-Temporal Database Repairs”. ACM International Conference on Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS), November 2013.
  18. M. Mohamed, A. Khokhar and G. Trajcevski. “Energy Efficient In-Network Data Indexing for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks”. Int.l Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), August 2013.
  19. G. Trajcevski. On the Links Between “D” and “A” in Mobile Data Analytics. IEEE Workshop on Mobile Data Analytics (MODA – in conjunction with IEEE ICDE), April 2013.
  20. J. McClurg, G. Trajcevski and J. Yanutola. Collaborative Reactive Behavior in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (demo-paper). ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), November 2012.
  21. G. Trajcevski, B. Avci, F. Zhou, R. Tamassia, P. Scheuermann, L. Miller and A. Barber. Motion Trends Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), July 2012.
  22. A. Yaagoub, X. Liu, G. Trajcevski, E. Tanin and P. Scheuermann. Materialized Views for Count Aggregates of Spatial Data. International Conference on Advancing Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), September 2012.
  23. A. Yaagoub, G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann and N. Hardavellas. Load-Balancing for Processing Spatio-Temporal Queries in Multi-Core Settings. ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Mobile and Wireless Access (MobiDE – in conjunction with the ACM SIGMOD conference), May 2012.
  24. A. Yaagoub, G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann and N. Hardavellas. Load-Balancing for Processing Spatio-Temporal Queries in Multi-Core Settings. ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Mobile and Wireless Access (MobiDE – in conjunction with the ACM SIGMOD conference), May 2012.
  25. O. Ghica, C. Nita-Rotaru, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Security of Electrostatic Field-Persistent Routing: Attacks and Defense Mechanisms. European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), April 2012.
  26. F. Zhou, G. Trajcevski, B. Avci and P. Scheuermann. Sensors Synchronization for Energy-Efficient Multiple Objects Tracking. International Conference on Sensing, Networking and Computation (ICNSC), April 2012.
  27. S. Wylie, J. Heide, D. Vaccaro, B. Avci, O. Ghica and G. Trajcevski. Distributed Data Management for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks Simulation. International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2012.
  28. D. Gunopoulos and G. Trajcevski: Similarity in (Spatial, Temporal and) Spatio-Temporal Datasets. International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2012.
  29. G. Trajcevski. Collaborative Coupling of Sensing and Actuation: Uncertainty Beyond Querying. IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS), May 2012.
  30. G. Trajcevski, F. Zhou, R. Tamassia, P. Scheuermann and B. Avci. Bypassing Holes in Sensor Networks: Load Balance vs. Latency. IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE-GlobeCom), December 2011.
  31. F. Zhou, G. Trajcevski and B. Avci. Tracking Coverage Through Epochs with Bounded Uncertainty. IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE-NCA), August 2011.
  32. G. Trajcevski, A. Yaagoub and P. Scheuermann. Processing (Multiple) Spatio-temporal Range Queries in Multicore Settings. International Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), September 2011.
  33. G. Trajcevski, A. Yaagoub and P. Scheuermann. Towards Multicore Processing of Spatio-Temporal Range Queries. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), June 2011.
  34. K. Zheng, G. Trajcevski, H. Zhou and P. Scheuermann. Probabilistic Range Queries for Uncertain Trajectories on Road Networks. International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2011.
  35. F.Lu, R. Joseph, G. Trajcevski and S. Liu. Efficient Parameter Variation Sampling for Architecture Simulations, Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference, March 2011.
  36. S. Yazji, R. Dick, P. Scheuermann and G. Trajcevski. Protecting Private Data on Mobile Systems Based on Spatio-Temporal Analysis, International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS), March 2011.
  37. S. Yazji, R. Dick, P. Scheuermann and G. Trajcevski. Protecting Mobile Data Using Spatio-Temporal Mobility Pattern (poster),International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitus), December 2010.
  38. G. Trajcevski, O. Ghica, M. Zuniga, R. Schubotz, P. Scheuermann and M. Hauswirth. Large-Scale Simulation of (Improved) Field Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks with SIDnet-SWANS (demo). IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE-GlobeCom), December 2010.
  39. O. Ghica, G. Trajcevski, R. Tamassia, F. Zhou and P. Scheuermann. Selecting Tracking Principals with Epoch Awareness. ACM International Conference on Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS), November 2010.
  40. G. Trajcevski, O. Ghica, M. Zuniga, R. Schubotz, P. Scheuermann and M. Hauswirth. Improving the Energy Balance of Field Based Routing. IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE-GlobeCom), December 2010.
  41. G. Trajcevski, A. Choudhary, O. Wolfson, L. Ye and G. Li. Uncertain Range Queries for Necklaces. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), May 2010. Note: Best Paper Award.
  42. G. Trajcevski, O. Ghica, P. Scheuermann. Tracking-Based Trajectory Data Reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE International Symposium on Sensing, Ubiquitous and Trustworthy Computing (IEEE-SUTC), June 2010.
  43. G. Trajcevski, A. Choudhary and P. Scheuermann. Sensing, Triggers and Mobile (Meta)Data. International Workshop on Mobile P2P Data Management, Security and Trust (M-PDMST), May 2010.
  44. G. Trajcevski, Z. Bischof and P.Scheuermann. Range Queries for Mobile Objects in Wireless Sensor Networks. ACM International Conference on Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS), November 2009.
  45. G. Trajcevski, N. Valtchanov, O. Ghica and P. Scheuermann. A Case for Meta Triggers in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE-NCA), 2009.
  46. G. Trajcevski and A. Choudhary. Data-Aware Cotrol Þ Efficient Traffic Management. NSF- Next Generation Data Mining Summit (NGDM), April 2009.
  47. G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Managing Context Evolutions in Pervasive Environments.  International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) 2009.
  48. G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. (Reactive + Proactive Behavior) Þ Situation Awareness in Sensor Networks. Workshop on Research Directions in Situational-aware Self-managed Proactive Computing in Wireless Adhoc Networks, April 2009
  49. G. Trajcevski, R. Tamassia, H. Ding, P. Scheuermann and I. Cruz. Continuous Probabilistic Nearest-Neighbor Queries for Uncertain Trajectories. International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2009.
  50. O. Ghica, G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann, Z. Bischof and N. Valtchanov. SIDnet-SWANS: a Simulator and Integrated Development Platform for Sensor Networks Applications (demo), ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), November 2008.
  51. G. Trajcevski, O. Ghica, P. Scheuermann, R. Tamassia and I. Cruz. An Alternating Multiple Tributaries and Deltas, International Workshop on Data Management in Sensor Networks (DMSN), August 2008.
  52. H. Ding, G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann, X. Wang and E. Keogh.  Querying and Mining of Time Series Data: Experimental Comparison of Representations and Distance Measures.  International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), August 2008.
  53. H. Ding, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. . Efficient Similarity Join of Large Sets of Moving Objects Trajectories. International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME), June 2008.
  54. G. Trajcevski, H. Ding, P. Scheuermann, R. Tamassia and D. Vaccaro. Dynamics-Aware Similarity of Moving Objects Trajectories. ACM International Conference on Geographic Information Systems (ACMGIS), November 2007.
  55. G. Trajcevski, H. Ding, P. Scheuermann and I. Cruz. BORA: Routing and Aggregation in Distributed Moving Objects Databases. International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), May 2007.
  56. G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Adaptive and Context-Aware Reconciliation of Reactive Behavior with Pro-Active Consequences. Active Conceptual Modeling and Learning (ACM-L), October 2006.
  57. G. Trajcevski, H. Cao, O. Wolfson, P. Scheuermann, D. Vaccaro. On-Line Data Reduction and the Quality of History in Moving Objects Databases. ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Mobile and Wireless Access (MobiDE – in conjunction with the ACM SIGMOD conference), June 2006. 
  58. G. Trajcevski, I. Cruz and P. Scheuermann. Moving Volumes, Sensors and Reactive Behavior. NCGIS Specialist Meetings, June 2006.
  59. H. Ding, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. OMCAT: Optimal Maintenance of Continuous Queries’ Answers for Trajectories.  ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), June 2006.
  60. O. Ghica, G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Adaptive Multi-Routing and Sensor Networks Lifetime. Information Processing in Sensor Network (IPSN) - WiP workshop, April 2006.
  61. G. Trajcevski, O. Ghica and P. Scheuermann. CAR: Controlled Adjustment of Routes and Sensor Networks Lifetime. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), May 2006.
  62. G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann, O. Ghica, A. Hinze and A. Voisard. Evolving Triggers for Dynamic Environments, International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2006.
  63. G. Trajcevski, H. Ding and P. Scheuermann. Context-Aware Optimization of Continuous Range Queries for Trajectories. ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Mobile and Wireless Access (MobiDE – in conjunction with the ACM SIGMOD conference), June 2005.
  64. G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann, H. Bronnimann and A. Voisard. Dynamic Topological Predicates and Notifications in Moving Objects Databases. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), May 2005.
  65. G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann and H. Bronnimann. Mission-Critical Management of Mobile Sensors (or, How to Guide a Flock of Sensors). International Workshop on Data Management in Sensor Networks (DMSN – in conjunction with the VLDB Conference), August 2004.
  66. G. Trajcevski, P. Scheuermann, O. Wolfson and N. Nedungadi, CAT: Correct Answers of Continuous Queries using Triggers, International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2004.
  67. G. Trajcevski. Probabilistic Range Queries in Moving Objects Databases with Uncertainty, International ACM Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Access (MobiDE - in conjunction with the MobiCom conference), September 2003.
  68. H. Cao, O. Wolfson and G. Trajcevski. Spatio-Temporal Data Reduction with Deterministic Error Bounds.  DIALM-POMC Joint Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing (in conjunction with the MobiCom conference), September 2003.
  69. G. Trajcevski and P. Scheuermann. Triggers and Continuous Queries in Moving Objects Databases. International Workshop on Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems (MDDS - in conjunction with the DEXA conference), September 2003.
  70. G. Trajcevski, O. Wolfson, B. Xu and P Nelson. Real-Time Traffic Updates in Moving Objects Databases.  International Workshop on Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems (MDDS - in conjunction with the DEXA conference), September 2002.
  71. G. Trajcevski, O. Wolfson, H. Cao, H. Lin, F. Zhang and N. Rishe. Managing Uncertain Trajectories of Moving Objects with DOMINO. International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), April 2002.
  72. O. Wolfson, H. Cao, H. Lin, G. Trajcevski, F. Zhang and N. Rishe. Management of Dynamic Location Information in DOMINO. International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2002.
  73. G. Trajcevski, O, Wolfson, F. Zhang and S. Chamberlain. The Geometry of Uncertainty in Moving Objects Databases International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2002.
  74. G. Trajcevski, O. Wolfson and B. Xu. Research Directions in Moving Objects Databases. International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience), November 2000.
  75. G. Trajcevski, C. Baral and J. Lobo. Formalizing (and Reasoning About) the Specifications of Workflows. International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), September 2000. (Note: Best Paper Award)
  76. G. Trajcevski, C. Baral and J. Lobo. Formalizing Workflows as Collections of Condition-Action Rules (Poster Paper). NATO-ASI: Workflow Management and Interoperability, August 1997
  77. Baral, J. Lobo and G. Trajcevski. Formal Characterization of Active Databases: Part II. International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (DOOD), December 1997.
  78. G. Trajcevski, J. Lobo and N. Grover. Meta Updater: An Interactive Tool for Minimal View Updates in Knowledge Bases. IEEE International Conference on Tools With Artificial Intelligence (TAI), November 1996.