Journal Papers
C. Huang, H. Yu, R. A. Berry and J. Huang, "Eliciting Information from Heterogeneous Mobile Crowdsourced Workers Without Verification," (to appear) IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
X. Wang and R. Berry, "Market Competition between LTE-U and WiFi,"
(to appear) IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
C. Huang, H. Yu, R. A. Berry and J. Huang, "Using Truth Detection to Incentivize Workers in Mobile Crowdsourcing," (to appear) IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
R. Berry, M. Honig, T. Nguyen, V. Subramanian and R. Vohra, "The Value of Sharing
Intermittent Spectrum," Management Science, vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 5242-5264, Nov. 2020.
C. Chen, R. Berry, M. Honig, and V. Subramanian,
"Pricing, Bandwidth Allocation and
Service Competition in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Networking, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 2299-2308, Oct. 2020.
B. Badia, R. Berry, and E. Wei, "Investment in EV Charging Spots for Parking," IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 650-661, April-
June, 2020.
H. Yu, E. Wei and R. Berry, "Monetizing Mobile Data via Data Rewards," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 782-792, Feb. 2020.
C. Chen, R. Berry, M. Honig, and V. Subramanian, "The Impact of Unlicensed Access
on Small-cell Resource Allocation," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 685-696, Feb. 2020.
H. Yu, E. Wei, and R. Berry, "Analyzing Location-Based Advertising for Vehicle Service Providers Using Effective Resistances," Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, March 2019.
A Ghosh, R Berry, V Aggarwal, "Spectrum Measurement Markets for Tiered Spectrum
Access," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 4, no.
4, pp. 929-941, December 2018.
J. Kaleva, A. Tollo, M. Juntti, R. Berry amd M. Honig, "Decentralized Joint Precoding With Pilot-Aided Beamformer Estimation," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 2330-2341, March 2018.
C. Chen, R. Berry, M. Honig, and V. Subramanian,
"Competitive Resource Allocation in HetNets: the Impact of Small-cell Spectrum Constraints and Investment Costs," IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 478-490,
Sept. 2017 (Selected for Fast-Track Submission from Papers presented at IEEE DySPAN
T. Le, V. Subramanian, and R. Berry, "Information Cascades With Noise,"
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, special issue on "Distributed
Information Processing in Social Networks," Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 239-251, June 2017.
A. Ghosh, S. Sarkar, and R. Berry,
"The Value of Side-information in Secondary Spectrum
Markets," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on "Spectrum
Sharing and Aggregation for Future Wireless Networks," vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 6-19, Jan. 2017.
T. Nguyen, H. Zhou, R. A. Berry, M. L. Honig, and R. Vohra,
"The Cost of Free Spectrum,"
Operations Research, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 1217-1229, 2016.
T. Nguyen, V.G. Subramanian, and R. A. Berry, "Delay in Trade
Networks," Operations Research, special issue on
"Information and Decisions in Social and Economic Networks," vol. 64,
no. 3, pp. 646-661, May-June 2016. (A somehwat
different earlier version of this paper can be found
B. Singh, S. Hailu, K. Koufos, A. Dowhuszko, O. Tirkkonen, R. Juntti, and R. Berry,
``Coordination protocol for inter-operator spectrum sharing in co-primary 5G small cell
networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 34-40, July 2015.
C. Shi, R. Berry, and M. Honig, ``Bi-directional training for adaptive
beamforming and power control in interference networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing, vol. 62, no. 3, Feb. 2014.
Y. E. Sagduyu, D. Guo and R. A. Berry,
"Throughput and stability for relay-assisted wireless broadcast with
network coding,''
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 31,
no. 8, pp. 1506-1516, Aug. 2013.
D. Schmidt, C. Shi, R. Berry, M. Honig,
and W. Utschick, "Comparison of Distributed Beamforming
Algorithms for MIMO Interference Networks," IEEE Journal on
Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 13, pp. 3476-3489, July 2013.
R. Berry, "Optimal power-delay
trade-offs in fading channels - small delay asymptotics,"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59, no. 6,
pp. 3939-3952, June 2013.
H. Zhou, R. Berry, M. L. Honig, and R. Vohra,
of Allocation Problems in Spectrum Markets with Interference
Complementarities," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 489-499, March 2013.
R. Berry,
"Network Market Design Part II: Spectrum Markets,"
IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 50, no. 11, pp.84-90, Nov. 2012.
R. Berry, M. Honig, T. Nguyen, V. Subramanian, H. Zhou, and R. Vohra, "Newsvendor model of capacity
sharing," ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, special
issue on "The 1st Workshop on
Pricing and Incentives in Networks," vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 26-29, Sept. 2012.
K. Huang, J. Andrews, R. Heath, D. Guo and R. Berry,
"Spatial interference cancelation for multi-antenna mobile ad hoc
networks," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 1660-1676, March 2012.
E. Ciftcioglu, Y. E. Sagduyu, R. Berry, and A. Yener, "Cost-Delay
Tradeoffs for Two-Way Relay Networks," IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 4100-4109, December 2011.
Y. Sagduyu, R. Berry, and A. Ephremides, "Jamming Games in Wireless Networks with Incomplete Information," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 49, no. 8, pp. 112-118, August 2011.
R. Berry and D. Tse,
"Shannon meets Nash on the Interference Channel,"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory special issue on "Interference Networks", vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 2821-2836, April 2011.
R. Berry, M. Honig and R. Vohra, "Spectrum markets: motivation, challenges and implications," IEEE Communications Magazine , vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 146-155, Nov. 2010.
R. Agrawal, V. Subramanian, and R. Berry,
"Joint Scheduling and Resource Allocation in CDMA Systems,"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 5, pp.
2416-2432, May 2010. A longer
version of this paper is available here .
D. Schmidt, C. Shi, R. Berry, M. Honig, and W. Utschick,
"Distributed Resource Allocation Schemes:
Pricing Algorithms for Power
Control and Beamformer Design in Interference Networks,"
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, special issue on "Game
Theory in Signal Processing and Communications," vol. 26,
No. 5, pp. 53-63, September 2009.
J. Huang, V. Subramanian, R. Agrawal, and R. Berry
"Joint Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Uplink
OFDM Systems for Broadband Wireless Access
Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication,
special issue on "Broadband Area Networks," vol.
27, no. 2, pp. 226-234, Feb. 2009.
J. Huang, V. Subramanian, R. Agrawal, and R. Berry
"Downlink Scheduling and
Resource Allocation for OFDM Systems,"
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 288-296, Jan. 2009.
A longer version of this paper is available here .
J. Andrews, N. Jindal, M. Haenggi, R. A. Berry, S. Jafar,
D. Guo, S. Shakkottai, R. Heath Jr, M. Neely, S. Weber, A. Yener and P. Stone,
``Rethinking Information Theory for Mobile Ad
Hoc Networks,''
IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 94-101,
Dec. 2008.
J. Chen, R. Berry and M. Honig,
"Limited Feedback Schemes for Downlink OFDMA"
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication
special issue on "Exploiting Limited Feedback in
Tomorrow's Wireless Communication Networks," vol. 26, No. 8,
pp. 1451-1461, October 2008.
J. Bae, E. Beigman, R. Berry, M. Honig, and R. Vohra,
"Sequential Bandwidth and Power Auctions for Distributed Spectrum Sharing,"
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication
special issue on "Game Theory in Communication Systems," vol. 26,
no. 7, pp. 1193-1203, September 2008.
X. Qin and R. Berry, "Distributed Power Allocation and
Scheduling for Parallel Channel Wireless Networks,"
ACM/Springer Wireless Networks , (invited paper
for special issue on selected papers from WiOpt 2006),
vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 601-613, October 2008.
E. Maani, P. Pahalawatta, R. Berry, T.N. Pappas, and
A.K. Katsaggelos,
"Resource Allocation for Downlink Multiuser Video Transmission over
Wireless Lossy Networks," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,"
vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 1663-1671, September 2008.
E. Yeh and R. Berry, "Throughput Optimal Control of
Cooperative Relaying Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, special issue on
"Models, Theory and Codes for Relaying and
Cooperation in Communication Networks",
vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 3827-3832, October 2007. A longer version of this
paper is available here.
P. Liu, R. Berry, M. Honig, and S. Jordan, "Packet-based
Power Allocation for Forward Link Data Traffic,"
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 2894-2903, August 2007.
P. Pahalawatta, R. Berry, T. Pappas, and A. Katsaggelos,
"Content-Aware Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling for
Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks,"
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 749-759, May 2007.
M. Ruffolo, M. S. Daskin, A. V. Sahakian and R. Berry,
"Design of a Large Network for Radiological
Image Data," IEEE Transactions on Information Technology
in Biomedicine , vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 25-39, January 2007.
P. Liu, R. Berry and M. Honig,
"A Fluid Analysis of a Utility-based Wireless
Scheduling Policy," IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 2872-2889, July 2006.
J. Huang, R. Berry and M. L. Honig,
"Distributed Interference Compensation for Wireless Networks,"
IEEE on Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special
issue on "Price-based Access Control and Economics for Communication
Networks," vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1074-1085, May 2006.
J. Huang, R. Berry, and M. Honig,
"Auction-based Spectrum Sharing," ACM/Springer Journal
of Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) special issue
on WiOpt'04, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 405-418, June 2006.
X. Qin and R. Berry, "Distributed
Approaches For Exploiting Multiuser Diversity in Wireless Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 52, no. 2,
pp. 392-413, Feb. 2006.
Y. Eisenberg, F. Zhai, T. N. Pappas, R. Berry, and A. K. Katsaggelos,
"VAPOR: Variance-aware per-pixel optimal resource allocation,"
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 289-299,
Febuary 2006.
F. Zhai, Y. Eisenberg, T. N. Pappas, R. Berry, and A. K. Katsaggelos,
"Rate-distortion optimized hybrid error control for real-time packetized
video transmission," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 40-53, January 2006.
J. Huang, R. Berry, and M. Honig,
"Wireless Scheduling with Hybrid ARQ," IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 2801-2810,
Nov. 2005.
R. Berry and E. Modiano, "Optimal
Transceiver Scheduling in WDM/TDM Networks,"
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications special series on
"Optical Communications and Networking," vol. 23,
no. 8, pp. 1479-1495, Aug. 2005.
F. Zhai, C. Luna, Y. Eisenberg, T. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. Katsaggelos, ``Joint Source Coding and Packet Classification for
Video Streaming over Differentiated Services Networks,''
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 716-726,
Aug. 2005.
A. Katsaggelos, F. Zhai, Y. Eisenberg, and R. Berry,
"Energy-efficient Wireless Video Coding and Delivery,"
IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine,
vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 24-30, Aug. 2005.
F. Zhai, Y. Eisenberg, T. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. Katsaggelos, "Joint Source-channel
coding and power adaptation for Energy Efficient Wireless Video
Communications," Signal
Processing: Image Communication (Elsevier),
Vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 371-387, April 2005.
A. Katsaggelos, Y. Eisenberg, F. Zhai, R. Berry, and
T. Pappas, "Advances in Efficient Resource Allocation for Packet-Based
Real-Time Video Transmission," Proceedings of the IEEE,
special issue on "Advances in Video Coding and Delivery," vol. 93,
no. 1, Jan. 2005.
R. Berry and E. Modiano, "The Role of
Switching in Reducing the Number of Electronic Ports in WDM Networks,"
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
special issue on "Metro Optical Networks," vol. 22, no. 8, pp.
1396-1405, Oct. 2004.
R. Berry and E. Yeh,
"Cross-layer Wireless Resource
Allocation - Fundamental Performance Limits for Wireless Fading
Channels" IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
special issue on "Signal Processing for Networking,"
vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 59-68, September 2004.
C. Luna, Y. Eisenberg, R. Berry, T. Pappas, and A. Katsaggelos,
"Joint source coding and data rate adaptation for energy efficient
wireless video streaming," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, special issue on "Recent Advances in Wireless
Multimedia," vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 1710-1720, Dec. 2003.
Y. Eisenberg, C. Luna, T. Pappas, R. Berry and A. Katsaggelos,
"Joint Source Coding and Transmission Power Management for Energy
Efficient Wireless Video Communications," IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,
special issue on "Wireless Video," vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 411-424,
June, 2002.
R. Berry and R. Gallager, "Communication
Over Fading Channels with Delay
Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 1135-1149, May 2002.
R. Berry and E. Modiano, "Reducing
Electronic Multiplexing Costs in SONET/WDM Rings with Dynamically Changing
Traffic," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communication
special issue on "Protocols and Architectures for Next Generation
Optical WDM Networks", vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1961-1971, October, 2000.
C.E. Rohrs, R.A. Berry, and S.J. O'Halek,
"Control Engineer's look at ATM congestion avoidance,''
Computer Communications, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 226-235, March,
R. Berry, "Power and Delay Trade-offs in
Fading Channels," Phd Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
June, 2000, Supervised by
Prof. Robert Gallager.
R. Berry, "A Linear Control Approach to ATM Congestion Control,"
Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June, 1996,
Supervised by Dr. Charles Rohrs.
Book Chapters
J. Huang, V. Subramanian, R. Berry and R. Agrawal,
"Scheduling and Resource Allocation
in OFDMA Wireless Communication Systems,"
in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple
Access Fundamentals and Applications, T. Jiang, L.Song and Y. Zhang, ed.,
Auerbach Publications, Taylor and Francis Group, April, 2010.
R. Berry, "Information Theory," Wiley Enclyopedia
of Telecommunications (John Proakis, editor), John Wiley and Sons,
Conference Papers
X. Wang and R. Berry, "MAC Trade-offs Between Age and Reachability of Information
in Vehicular Safety Applications," IEEE INFOCOM workshop on Age of Information, pp.
689-695, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 2020.
P. Poojary and R. Berry, "Observational Learning with Fake Agents,"
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 2020.
A. Ghosh and R. Berry, "Entry and Investment in CBRS Shared Spectrum," 18th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless
Networks (WiOPT), pp. 1-8, Volos, Greece, June 2020.
C. Huang, H. Yu, J. Huang and R. A. Berry, "Online Crowd Learning with Heterogeneous Workers via Majority Voting," 18th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOPT), pp. 1-8, Volos, Greece, June 2020.
C. Huang, H. Yu, J. Huang and R. A. Berry, "Crowdsourcing with Heterogeneous Workers in Social Networks," 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp. 1-6, Waikoloa, HI, December 2019.
A. Ghosh and R. Berry, "Spot Markets for Spectrum Measurements," 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), pp. 1-10, Newark, NJ, Nov. 2019.
C. Huang, H. Yu, J. Huang and R. A. Berry, "Incentivizing Crowdsourced Workers via
Truth Detection," 2019 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing
(GlobalSIP), pp. 1-5, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Nov. 2019.
B. Badia, E. Wei and R. Berry, "Renewable generation investment with
differentiated downstream competition," (invited paper) 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pp. 157-164, Monticello, IL, Sept. 2019.
H. Ge and R. Berry, "Quantized Mechanisms for Gaussian Multiple Access Wiretap
Channels," 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 662-666, Paris France, July 2019.
H. Ge and R. Berry, "Quantized VCG Mechanisms for Polymatroid Environments," Twentieth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (Mo-
bihoc '19), Catania, Italy, July 2019.
A. Ghosh and R. Berry, "Competition with Three-Tier Spectrum Access and Spectrum
Monitoring," Twentieth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and
Computing (Mobihoc '19), Catania, Italy, July 2019.
Y. Zhu and R. Berry, "The Cooperation and Competition Between an Added Value MVNO
and an MNO Allowing Secondary Access," 17th International Symposium on Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WIOPT), Avignon, France, June
H. Yu, E. Wei and R. Berry, "A Business Model of Mobile Data Rewards," IEEE
INFOCOM, pp. 2098-2106, Paris, France,
April 2019.
Y. Zhu, H. Yu, R. Berry and C. Liu, "Cross-Network Prioritized Sharing: An Added Value MVNOs Perspective," IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 1549-1557, Paris, France, April 2019.
X. Wang and R. Berry, "Price Competition with LTE-U and WiFi," IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 901-909, Paris, France, April 2019.
H. Ge and R. Berry, "A Hierarchical Quantized Auction for Fog Resources,"
IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on the Economics of Fog, Edge and Cloud Computing (ECOFEC 2019), pp. 7-12, Paris, France, April 2019.
Y. Zhu, H. Yu, and R. Berry, "The Economics of Bundling Content with Unlicensed
Wireless Service," International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets),
pp. 93-108, April 2019.
B. Badia, R. Berry and E. Wei, "Price and Capacity Competition for EV Parking with
Government Mandates," Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing,
pp. 583-589, Monticello, IL, October 2018.
H. Ge and R. Berry, "Quantized Dominant Strategy Mechanisms with Constrained Val-
uations," Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, pp. 590-595,Monticello, IL, October 2018.
H. Ge, Y. Xia, X. Chen, R. Berry, and Y. Wu, "Fictitious GAN: Training GANs with
Historical Models," 15th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 2018, pp 122-
137, Munich Germany, Sept. 2018.
X. Wang, R. Berry, I. Vukovic, and J. Rao, "A fixed-point model for semi-persistent
scheduling of vehicular safety messages," IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference
(VTC), Chicago, IL, August 2018.
T. Le, V. Subramanian, and R. Berry, "Bayesian Learning with Random Arrivals,"
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT),
pp. 926-930, Vail, CO, June 2018.
H. Yu, E.Wei, and R. Berry, "Watch Ads, Earn Data: Economics of Mobile Data Rewards," Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Economics of Networks, Systems and Computation
(NetEcon), Irvine, CA, June 2018.
A. Ghosh, R. Berry and V. Aggarwal, "Spectrum Measurement Markets for Tiered Spectrum Access," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp. 1-6,
Kansas City, MO, May 2018.
Y. Zhu and R. Berry, "Contracts as Investment Barriers in Unlicensed Spectrum," IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 1925-1933, Honolulu, HI, April 2018.
H. Ge and R. Berry, "Dominant Strategy Allocation of Divisible Network Resources with
Limited Information Exchange," IEEE INFOCOM 2018, pp. 2753-2761, Honolulu, HI, April 2018.
X. Wang and R. Berry, "The Impact of Bundling Licensed and Unlicensed Wireless
Service," IEEE INFOCOM 2018, pp. 1394-1402, Honolulu, HI, April 2018.
A. Ghosh, R.Berry and V. Aggarwal, "Tiered Spectrum Measurement Markets for
Licensed Secondary Spectrum," (invited paper) Network Games, Control and Optimization
(NETGCOOP), pp. 165-182, February 2018.
J. Kaleva, A. Toelli, M. Juntti, R. Berry and M. Honig, "Decentralized Joint Precoding for WSRMax with Pilot Aided Beamformer Estimation,"
GLOBECOM 2017, pp. 1-6, Singapore, Dec. 2017.
J. Kaleva, A. Tlli, M. Juntti, R. Berry and M. Honig, "Gradient
based decentralized joint beamforming," 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), pp. 1-5, Montreal, QC, Oct. 2017.
L. Zhou, O. Tirkkonen and R. Berry, "Two-player D2D interference canceling games,"
2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC), pp. 1-7, Montreal, QC, Oct. 2017.
T. Le, V. Subramanian, and R. Berry, "Learning from randomly arriving agents," (invited paper) 55th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,
Monticello, IL, Sept. 2017.
R. Xu, H. Ge, and R. Berry, "Games on linear deterministic channels with eavesdrop-
pers," 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 2123-2127,Aachen, Germany, June 2017.
H. Ge and R. Berry, "Rate allocation for strategic users in Gaussian multiple
access wiretap channels," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC),
pp. 1-7, Paris, France, May 2017.
Y. Zhu and R. Berry, "Contracts as Entry Barriers
for Unlicensed Spectrum," 2017 IEEE INFOCOM workshop on Smart Data Pricing,
Atlanta, GA, May 2017. (Best Paper award winner)
X. Wang and R. Berry, "The impact of short-term permits on competition in
unlicensed spectrum," 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access
Networks (DySPAN), pp. 1-10, Baltimore, MD, March 2017.
C. Liu, S. Fu and R. Berry,
"Investing in shared spectrum," 2017 IEEE
International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), pp. 1-10,
Baltimore, MD, March 2017.
C. Chen, R. Berry, M. Honig and V. Subramanian, "The impact of small-cell
bandwidth requirements on strategic operators," 2017 IEEE International Symposium on
Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), pp. 1-9, Baltimore, MD, March 2017.
C. Liu, Y. Xiao, E. Wei and R. Berry, "Competition and investment in on-demand
networking technology," 2017 13th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems
and Services (WONS), pp. 173-180, Jackson, WY, Feb. 2017.
T. Le, V. Subramanian and R. Berry, "Quantifying the utility of imperfect
reviews in stopping information cascades," 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and
Control (CDC), pp. 6990-6995, Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2016.
T. Le, V. Subramanian and R. Berry, "Are imperfect reviews helpful in social
learning?," 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT),
pp. 2089-2093, Barcelona, Spain, July 2016.
A. Ghosh, S. Sarkar and R. Berry, "Secondary spectrum market: To acquire or not to
acquire side information?," 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT),
pp. 1636-1640, Barcelona, Spain, July 2016.
C. Liu and R. Berry, "The impact of investment timing and uncertainty on
competition in unlicensed spectrum," 14th International Symposium on Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), pp. 1-8, Tempe,
AZ, May 2016. (Best paper award winner)
C. Liu and R. Berry, "Tiered spectrum sharing and price competition,"
2016 IEEE INFOCOM workshop on Smart Data Pricing, pp. 586-591, San Francisco,
CA, April 2016. (Runner-up Best paper award)
C. Chen, R. Berry, M. Honig and V. Subramanian, "The impact of unlicensed access
on small-cell resource allocation," The 35th Annual IEEE International
Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), pp. 1-9, San Francisco, CA, April 2016.
C. Chen, R. Berry, M. Honig and V. Subramanian, "The impact of investment on
small-cell resource allocation," (invited paper) 2016 Annual Conference on Information Science and
Systems (CISS), pp. 529-534, Princeton, NJ, March 2016.
J. Kaleva, A. Tolli, M. Juntti, R. Berry and M. Honig, "Decentralized Coherent
Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission for Weighted Sum Rate Maximization," 2015 IEEE Global
Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp. 1-6, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2015.
C. Liu and R. Berry, ``Competition and Investment in Shared Spectrum," (invited paper)
2015 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers,
Pacifc Grove, CA, Nov. 2015.
C. Liu, Y. Xiao, E. Wei, and R. Berry, ``Investment and
Competition with Positive Externalities in Open Networks," (invited paper) Allerton Conference on Communication,
Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, Sept. 2015.
H. Ge, R. Xu, and R. Berry, ``Secure signaling games for Gaussian multiple access wiretap
channels," 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 111-
115, Honk Kong, June 2015.
B. Singh, K. Koufos, O. Tirkkonen and R. Berry, "Co-primary inter-operator spectrum
sharing over a limited spectrum pool using repeated games,"
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp. 1494-1499, London,
June 2015.
C. Liu and R. Berry,
``Investing and price Competition for Multiple Bands of Unlicensed
Spectrum," 2015 IEEE INFOCOM workshop on Smart Data Pricing, pp. 522-527, Hong
Kong, May 2015. (Best paper award winner)
C. Chen, R. Berry, M. Honig, and V. Subramanian, ``Bandwidth optimization in het-
nets with competing service providers," 2015 IEEE INFOCOM workshop on Smart Data
Pricing, pp. 504-509, Hong Kong, May 2015.
T.N. Le, V.G. Subramanian, and R.A. Berry, ``The impact of
observation and action errors on informational cascades," IEEE
53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),
pp. 1917-1922, Los Angeles, CA, Dec. 2014.
L. Zhou, K. Ruttik, O. Tirkkonen, and R.A. Berry, ``Cell-edge
inversion by interference cancellation for downlink cellular systems,"
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems
(ICCS), Macau, Nov. 2014.
C. Liu and R.A. Berry,
``A priority queue model for competition
with shared spectrum," 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, pp. 629-636, Monticello,
IL, Sept. 2014.
T.N. Le, V.G. Subramanian, and R.A. Berry, ``The value of noise for informational cascades,"
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 1101-1105, Honolulu, HI,
July 2014.
C. Liu, R.A. Berry,
"Competition with open spectrum access: Sharing vs. unlicensed access,"
2014 9th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM), Oulu, Finland, June 2014.
J. Kaleva, R. Berry, M. Honig, A. Tolli, M. Juntti,
"Decentralized sum MSE minimization for coordinated multi-point transmission,"
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
Florence, Italy, May 2014.
H. Zhou, R.A. Berry, M.L. Honig, and R. Vohra,
"The impact of investment on price competition in unlicensed spectrum,"
IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Smart Data Pricing,
pp. 598-603, Toronto, Canada, April 2014.
C. Liu and R. Berry, "Competition with shared spectrum,"
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DYSPAN),
pp. 498-509, McLean, VA, April 2014.
C. Liu, R. Berry,
"Competition with licensed shared spectrum,"
2014 48th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS),
Princeton, NJ, March 2014.
C. Chen, R. Berry, M. Honig, and V. Subramanian,
"Distributed interference pricing in wireless networks with local cooperation,"
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp. 3042-3047,
Atlanta, GA, Dec. 2013.
C. Chen, R. Berry, M. Honig, and V. Subramanian,
"Pricing and bandwidth optimization in heterogeneous wireless networks,"
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, pp. 342-346,
Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2013.
R. Berry, M. Honig, V. Subramanian, T. Nguyen, and R. Vohra,
"Market Structures for Wireless Services
with Shared Spectrum," Proceedings of the 51st Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, September 2013.
S. Saha and R. Berry, "Parallel Linear Deterministic Interference Channels
with Feedback: Combinatorial Structure and Separability,"
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information
Theory (ISIT), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013.
L. Zhou, K. Ruttik, O. Tirkkonen, and R. Berry, "Interference Canceling Power Control Games
in Gaussian Interference Channels," Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information
Theory (ISIT), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013.
M. Ding, O. Tirkkonen, R. Berry, and S. Ulukus, "Distributed
Precoding for MISO Interference Channels with Channel Mean
Feedback: Algorithms and Analysis," Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest,
Hungary, June 2013
R. Berry, M. Honig, T. Nguyen, V. Subramanian, H. Zhou, and
R. Vohra, "On the Nature of Revenue-Sharing Contracts to
Incentivize Spectrum-Sharing," Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM,
Turin, Italy, April 2013.
K.H. Hui, V. Subramanian, D. Guo, and R. Berry, "Diffusion of
innovation in two-sided markets," Proceedings of the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, September 2012.
R. Berry and V. Subramanian, "Spotting trendsetters: Inference
for network games," Proceedings of the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, September 2012.
S. Saha and R. Berry, "Symmetric K-user Gaussian interference
channels: Approximate sum-capacity via deterministic modeling,"
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, September 2012.
S. Saha and R. Berry, "The Combinatorial Structure of Linear
Deterministic Interference Channels," Proceedings of
IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2012.
S. Saha and R. Berry, "Sum Capacity of 3-user Deterministic
with Connectivity Constraints," Proceedings of IEEE International
Symposium on Information Theory, Boston, MA, July 2012.
H. Zhou, R. Berry, M. Honig and R. Vohra, "Investment and Competition in Unlicensed Spectrum," Proceedings of 46th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2012), Princeton, NJ. March, 2012.
S. Saha and R. Berry, "Sum-Capacity of a Class of K-user Gaussian Interference Channels within O(K) bits,"
In Proceedings of 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, September 2011.
S. Saha and R. Berry, "A Potential Function View of Information Theoretic Interference Games,"
in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, St. Petersberg, Russia, July 2011 (Best student paper award finalist).
K.H. Hui, T. Li, D. Guo and R. Berry, "Exploiting
Peer-to-Peer State Exchange for Distributed Medium Access Control," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 2011.
C. Shi, R. Berry, and M. Honig, "Interference Alignment in Multi-Carrier Interference Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 2011.
B. Zhuang, R. Berry and M. Honig, "Interference alignment in MIMO cellular networks," in Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.
H. Zhou, R. Berry, M. Honig and R. Vohra, "Spectrum Markets with Interference complementarities," in
Proceedings of 9th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks(WiOpt), Princeton, NJ. May 9-13, 2011.
T. Nguyen, H. Zhou, R. Berry, M. Honig and R. Vohra "The Impact of Additional Unlicensed Spectrum on Wireless Services Competition," Proceedings of IEEE International Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks symposium (IEEE Dyspan 2011), Aachen, Germany, May 3-6, 2011.
S. Saha and R. Berry, "On Information Theoretic games for Interference Networks," In Proceedings of 44th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, (invited paper) Pacific Grove, CA, USA, November 2010.
S. Saha and R. Berry, "On the Sum Capacity of a Class of 3 User Deterministic Interference Channels," Proceedings of the
Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, Sept. 2010.
N. Wen and R. Berry, "Minimum Delay Packet-sizing for Linear Multi-hop Networks with Cooperative Transmissions," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory (ISIT), Austin, TX, June 13-18
K.H. Hui, D. Guo and R. Berry,
"Medium Access Control via
Nearest-Neighbor Interactions for
Regular Wireless Networks," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory (ISIT), Austin, TX, June 13-18
Y. E. Sagduyu, R. Berry and A. Ephremides,
"Jamming Games for Power Controlled
Medium Access with Dynamic
Traffic," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory (ISIT), Austin, TX, June 13-18
Y. E. Sagduyu, R. Berry and A. Ephremides, "Wireless Jamming
Attacks under Dynamic Traffic Uncertainty," Proc. International
Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and
Wireless Networks (WIOPT), Avignon, France, May 2010.
C. Shi, R. A. Berry, M. L. Honig, "Adaptive beamforming in
interference networks via bi-directional training,"
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference on
Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) (invited paper),
Princeton, NJ, March 17-19, 2010.
E. N. Ciftcioglu, Y. E. Sagduyu, R. Berry, and A. Yener,
"Queue based compression in a
two-way relay network,"
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference on
Information Sciences and Systems (CISS),
Princeton, NJ, March 17-19, 2010.
K.H. Hui, Y. E. Sagduyu, D. Guo and R. Berry, "The maximum stable broadcast throughput for wireless line networks
with network coding and topology control"
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference on
Information Sciences and Systems (CISS),
Princeton, NJ, March 17-19, 2010.
R. Berry and S. Saha, "On Information Theoretic Interference Games With
More Than Two Users," 2010 IEEE Information Theory Workshop,
Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 2010.
R. Berry, "On Proportional Power Sharing Mechanisms for
Secondary Spectrum Markets," (invited paper) The Third
International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor
Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP 09), Aruba, Dutch Antilles, Dec. 2009.
D. A. Schmidt, C. Shi, R. A. Berry, M. L. Honig, and
W. Utschick, "Minimum Mean Squared Error Interference Alignment,"
(invited paper) Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2009.
C. Shi, R. A. Berry, and M. L. Honig, "Local Interference
Pricing for Distributed Beamforming in MIMO Networks," IEEE
Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Boston, MA,
Oct. 2009.
H. Zhou, R. Berry, M. Honig and R. Vohra, "Complementarities in Spectrum Markets,"
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,
Monticello, IL, Sep. 2009.
E. N. Ciftcioglu, Y. E. Sagduyu, R. Berry, and A. Yener,
"Cost Sharing with Network Coding in Two-Way Relay Networks,"
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,
Monticello, IL, Sep. 2009.
K. Hui, D. Guo, R. Berry, and M. Haenggi, "Performance Analysis
of MAC Protocols in Wireless Line Networks Using Statistical Mechanics,"
Proceedings of the 2009 Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and
and Computing, Monticello, IL, Sept. 2009.
E. Maani, P.V. Pahalawatta, R. Berry, and A.K. Katsaggelos,
"Scalable video coding and packet scheduling for multiuser video
transmission over wireless networks," SPIE Optics+Photonics,
San Diego, CA, July 2009.
C. Shi, R. Berry, and M. Honig,
"Monotonic Convergence of Distributed Interference Pricing
in Wireless Networks," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory (ISIT), Seoul, Korea, June 28-July 3, 2009.
C. Shi, D. Schmidt, R. Berry, M. Honig, and W. Utschick, "Distributed
Interference Pricing for the MIMO Interference Channel," Proceedings
of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 09),
Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009.
J.S. Otto, F. E. Bustamante and R. Berry, "Down the Block and Around
the Corner: The Impact of Radio Propagation on Inter-vehicle Wireless
Communication," Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Washington, DC, June 22-26, 2009.
R. Berry and D. Tse, "Information Theory Meets Game Theory on
the Interference Channel," (invited paper) Proceedings of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Volos,
Greece, June 10-12, 2009.
J. Bae, E. Beigman, R. Berry, M.Honig, and R. Vohra,
"On the
Efficiency of Sequential
Auctions for Spectrum Sharing," (invited paper) Proc. International
Conference on Game
Theory for Networks (GameNets), Istanbul, Turkey, May 13-15 2009.
Y. Sagduyu, R. Berry, and A. Ephremides, "MAC Games for Distributed Wireless Network Security with Incomplete Information of Selfish and Malicious User Types," Proceedings of the International Conference on Game Theory
for Networks (GameNets), Istanbul, Turkey, May 13-15 2009.
C. Milling, S. Subramanian, S. Shakkottai and R. Berry, "Routing over Multi-hop Wireless Networks
with Non-ergodic Mobility," Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009.
K. Huang, J. Andrews, R. Heath, D. Guo and R. Berry, "Spatial
Interference Cancellation for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Perfect CSI,"
Proceeding of IEEE Globecom, Nov. 2008.
E. Ciftcioglu, A. Yener, and R. Berry, "Stability Regions for
Two-way Relaying with Network Coding," (invited paper)
Proceeding of the Fourth International Wireless Internet
Conference (WICON 2008), Maui, HI, Nov. 17-19 2008.
Y. Sagduyu, D. Guo, R. Berry, "Throughput and Stability of Digital and Analog Network
Coding for Wireless Networks with Single and Multiple Relays," (invited paper) Proceeding
of the Fourth International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON
2008), Maui, HI, Nov. 17-19 2008.
H. Shen, H. Zhou, R. Berry and M. Honig, "Optimal Spectrum Allocation in Gaussian Interference
Networks," (invited paper) Proceeding of the Forty-Second Asilomar
Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 26-29, 2008.
J. Bae, E. Beigman, R. Berry, M. Honig, H. Shen, R. Vohra, H. Zhou, "Spectrum Markets for Wireless Services," Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in
Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2008),
Chicago, IL, Oct. 14-17, 2008.
J. Bae, E. Beigman, R. Berry, M. Honig,and R. Vohra, "Incentives and Resource Sharing in Spectrum Commons," Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2008),
Chicago, IL, Oct. 14-17, 2008.
C. Shi, M. Honig, and R. Berry,
"Distributed Interference
Pricing with MISO Channels," Proceedings of 2008 Allerton
Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing,
Sept. 2008.
R. Berry and D. Tse, "Information Theoretic Games on Interference Channels," Proceedings
of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
(ISIT), Toronto, Canada, July 6-11, 2008.
N. Wen and R. Berry, "Reliability
Constrained Packet-sizing for Linear Multi-hop Wireless
Networks," Proceeding of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium
on Information Theory (ISIT), Toronto, Canada, July 6-11, 2008.
Y. E. Sagduyu, D. Guo, and R. Berry, "Throughput Optimal
Control for Relay-Assisted
Wireless Broadcast with Network Coding," Proc. The First IEEE International Workshop
on Wireless Network Coding (WiNC 2008), San Francisco, CA, June,
E. Ciftcioglu, A. Yener, R. Berry, "Stability of Bi-Directional
Cooperative Relay Networks," Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory
Workshop, 2008 (ITW '08), pp. 144-148, Porto, Portugal, May 5-9,
E. Visotsky, J. Bae, R. Peterson, R. Berry, M. Honig, "On the
Uplink Capacity of an 802.16j System," Proceedings of the IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
2008 (WCNC 2008), pp. 2657-2662, Las Vegas, NV, Mar. 31-Apr. 3,
C. Shi, R. Berry, and M. Honig, "Distributed Interference
Pricing for OFDM Wireless
Networks with Non-seperable Utilities," Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on
Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), (invited paper),
pp. 755-760, Princeton, NJ, March 19-21, 2008.
Y. E. Sagduyu, D. Guo, and R. Berry, "On the Delay and
Throughput of Digital and Analog
Network Coding for Wireless Broadcast," Proc. Conference on
Information Sciences and Systems, CISS, March 2008.
J. Bae, E. Beigman, R. Berry, M. Honig and R. Vohra,
"Efficiency Bounds for Sequential
Resource Allocation Auctions," Proceedings of 2007 IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control (CDC) (invited paper), Dec. 2007.
J. Huang, V. Subramanian, R. Berry, and R. Agrawal,
"Joint Scheduling and Resource
Allocation in OFDM Systems: Algorithms and Performance for the Uplink,"
Proceedings of 41st Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems,
and Computers (invited paper), Pacific Grove, CA, Nov., 2007.
J. Chen, R. Berry, and M. Honig, "Comparison of Limited
Feedback Schemes for OFDMA
Scheduling," Proceedings of 2007 IEEE Military Communications Conference
(MILCOM), Orlando, FL, Oct. 29-31, 2007.
J. Bae, E. Beigman, R. Berry, M. Honig and R. Vohra,
"A Dynamic Auction for Spectrum
Sharing," Proceedings of 45th Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, control and Computing (invited paper)
Monticello, IL, Sept. 2007.
E. Maani, P. Pahalawatta, R. Berry, T. Pappas, and
A. Katsaggelos,
"Resource Allocation
for Downlink Multiuser Vide Transmission over Wireless Lossy
Networks," Proceedings
of IEEE International Conf. Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, Texas,
Sept. 16-19, 2007.
- J. Bae, E. Beigman, R. Berry, M. Honig and R. Vohra,
"Efficiency of Sequential Bandwidth
and Power Auctions With Rate Utilities,"
Proceedings of Second International Conference
on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications
FL, July 31-Aug. 2, 2007.
- E. Yeh and R. Berry, "Throughput Optimal Control of Wireless
Networks with Two-hop
Cooperative Relaying," Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International
Symposium on Information
Theory (ISIT), Nice, France, June 24-29, 2007.
J. Chen, R. Berry, and M. Honig, "Performance of Limited
Feedback Schemes for Downlink OFDMA with Finite Coherence Time,"
Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Symposium
on Information Theory (ISIT), Nice, France, June 24-29, 2007.
P. Pahalawatta, T. Pappas, R. Berry and A. Katsaggelos,
"Content-aware Resource Allocation for Scalable Video Transmission to
Multiple Users over a Wireless Network," IEEE ICASSP
N. Wen and R. Berry, "Location-based MAC
protocols for mobile
wireless networks," 2007 Information Theory and Applications
Workshop (ITA) San Diego, CA, Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2007.
J. Bae, R. Berry, and M. Honig, "Power Allocation and Coverage
for a Relay-Assisted Downlink with Voice Users," 2006 IEEE
GLOBECOM , San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2006.
R. Agrawal, R. Berry, J. Huang, and V. Subramanian, "Optimal
Scheduling for OFDMA Systems," Proceedings of 40th Annual Asilomar
Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
(invited paper) Pacific Grove, CA, October 29 - November 1, 2006.
X. Qin and R. Berry, "Distributed Resource Allocation and
Scheduling in OFDMA Wireless Networks," Proceedings of 40th Annual
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, (invited paper) Pacific Grove, CA, October 29 -
November 1, 2006.
R. Berry and R. Vohra, "On Kelly-type Mechanisms for
Polymatroids," Proceedings of 44th Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control and Computing, (invited paper)
Monticello, IL, Sept. 27-29, 2006.
J. Chen, R. Berry, and M. Honig,
"Asymptotic Analysis of Downlink OFDMA Capacity," Proceedings of
44th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing,
Monticello, IL, Sept. 27-29, 2006.
P. Pahalawatta, R. Berry, T. Pappas, and A. Katsaggelos, "A
Content-aware Scheduling Scheme for Video Streaming to Multiple
Users over Wireless Networks," Proceedings of the
14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO),
Florence, Italy, Sept. 4-8, 2006.
J. Chen, R. Berry, and M. Honig,
"Large System Performance of
Downlink OFDMA with Limited Feedback," Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE
International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Seattle, WA,
July 6-12 2006.
J. Bae, R. Berry, and M. Honig, "Power Allocation, Rate, and
Coverage for Relay-Assisted Downlink Data Transmission," Proceedings
of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC),
Istanbul, Turkey, June 11-15, 2006.
X. Qin and R. Berry, "Opportunistic Splitting Algorithms for
Wireless Networks with Fairness Constraints," Proceedings of the
4th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization
in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2006), Boston, MA,
April 3-7, 2006.
J. Huang, V. Subramanian, R. Agrawal, and R. Berry, "Downlink
Scheduling and Resource Allocation for OFDM Systems," (invited paper)
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference on Information Sciences
and Systems (CISS), pp. 1272-1279, Princeton, NJ, March 22-24,
N. Wen and R. Berry, "Information Propagation for
Location-based MAC Protocols in
Vehicular Networks," Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference
on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), pp. 1242-1247, Princeton,
NJ, March 22-24, 2006.
N. Arulselvan and R. Berry, "Joint Power-Error Control Schemes for
Time-varying Wireless Channels," Proceedings of the 40th Annual
Conference on Information Sciences and
Systems (CISS), pp. 492-497, Princeton, NJ, March 22-24, 2006.
R. Berry, "Optimal power-delay trade-offs in fading channels:
small delay asymptotics," (invited paper) Information Theory and
Applications - Inaugural workshop , San Diego,
CA, Feb. 6-10, 2006.
J. Huang, R. Berry, and M. Honig,
"Spectrum Sharing with
Distributed Interference Compensation," Proceedings of the 1st
IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum
Access Networks (DYSPAN), Baltimore, Maryland, Nov. 2005.
J. Huang, R. Berry, and M. Honig,
"Performance of Distributed
Utility-based Power Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,"
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Military Communications Conference
(MILCOM 2005), Atlantic City, New Jersey, Oct. 2005.
J. Huang, R. Berry, and M. L. Honig,
"Distributed Interference Compensation for Multi-Channel
Wireless Networks," (invited paper) 43nd Annual Allerton
Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello,
IL, Sept. 2005.
J. Zhang, A. Zilaskopoulus, N. Wen and R. Berry, "Design and
implementation of a vehicle-to-vehicle based traffic information
system," Proceedings of the 8th International IEEE Conference on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2005.
E. Yeh and R. Berry, "Throughput
Optimal Control of Cooperative Relay Networks,"
Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information
Theory , Adelaide, Australia, Sept. 2005.
J. Huang, R. Berry and M. Honig, "Game Theoretic Analysis of Distributed Power Control
for Spread Spectrum Ad Hoc Networks," Proceedings of 2005 IEEE
International Symposium on Information Theory, Adelaide,
Australia, Sept. 2005.
X. Qin, X. Guo, and R. Berry, "SINR-based Channel Assignment
for Dense Wireless LANs," Proceedings of WirelessCom 2005,
Symposium on Wireless LANs and PANs, Maui, HI, June 2005.
X. Qin and R. Berry, "Distributed
Power Allocation and Scheduling for
Parallel Channel Wireless Networks," 3rd Intl. Symposium
on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks
(WiOpt), Trentino, Italy, April 3-7 2005.
N. Arulselvan and R. Berry, "Energy-Throughput Optimization for
Wireless ARQ protocols," (invited paper) 2005 IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
Philadelphia, PA, March 18-23, 2005.
P. Liu, R. Berry and M. Honig, "A Fluid
Analysis of Utility-based Wireless Scheduling Policies,"
(invited paper) 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Paradise Island, the Bahamas, Dec. 14-17, 2004.
F. Zhai, Y. Eisenberg, T. N. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. K. Katsaggelos, "An integrated joint source-channel coding
framework for video transmission over packet lossy networks,"
Proceedings of IEEE International Conf. Image
Processing (ICIPÂ’04), Singapore, Oct. 2004.
J. Huang, R. Berry, M. Honig,
"Auction Mechanisms for Distributed Spectrum Sharing," (invited
paper) 42nd Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and
Computing, Monticello, IL, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2004.
R. Berry, ``Order Optimal Energy Efficient Transmission Policies
in the Small Delay Regime,'' Proceedings of 2004 IEEE International
Symposium on Information Theory, Chicago, IL, June 2004.
Y. Sun, C.C. Lee, R. Berry, A. Haddad, ``An Application of
Control Theoretic Modeling for a Scalable TCP ACK pacer,''
Proceeding of 2004 American Control Conference (ACC), June
F. Zhai, Y. Eisenberg, T. N. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. K. Katsaggelos, "Rate-distortion optimized hybrid error control for
real-time packetized video transmission," Proceedings
of ICC'04 , June 2004.
F. Zhai, Y. Eisenberg, T. N. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. K. Katsaggelos, "Rate-distortion optimized product code forward
error correction for video transmission over IP-based wireless
networks," Proceedings of International Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing (ICASSP'04) , May 2004.
R. Agrawal, V. Subramanian, and R. Berry, "Joint Scheduling and
Resource Allocation in CDMA systems," 2nd Workshop on Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt '04),
Cambridge, UK, March 24-26, 2004.
J. Huang, R. Berry and M. Honig, "Auction-based Spectrum
Sharing" 2nd Workshop on Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt '04),
Cambridge, UK, March 24-26, 2004.
X. Qin and R. Berry, "Opportunistic Splitting Algorithms for
Wireless Networks with Heterogeneous Users" (invited paper), 38th Annual Conference on
Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton, NJ, March 17-19, 2004.
J. Huang, R. Berry and M. Honig, "Wireless Scheduling with
Hybrid ARQ" (invited paper), 38th Annual Conference on
Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton, NJ, March 17-19, 2004.
Y. Sun, C.C. Lee, R. Berry, and A.H. Haddad, "Modeling Buffer
Occupancy for a TCP Connection," 38th Annual Conference on
Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), pp. 757-761, Princeton,
NJ, March 17-19, 2004.
R. Berry and E. Modiano, "On the
Benefit of Tunability in Reducing Electronic Port Counts in WDM/TDM
Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2004, Hong Kong, PR China,
March 7-11, 2004.
X. Qin and R. Berry, "Opportunistic
Splitting Algorithms for
Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2004, Hong Kong, PR
China, March 7-11, 2004.
E. Modiano and R. Berry, "Using Tunable Optical Transceivers for
Reducing the Number of Ports in WDM/TDM Networks," OFC
R. Berry,
"Optimal Power/Delay Trade-offs in Wireless
Communications - Small Delay Asymptotics" (invited paper)
special session on "Cross Layer Design in Wireless Networks,"
IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet and
Information Technology, Scottsdale, AZ, Nov. 17-19, 2003.
F. Zhai, Y. Eisenberg, T. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. Katsaggelos, "Joint source-channel coding
and power allocation for energy efficient wireless video
communications," 41st Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control and Computing, Oct. 1-3, 2003.
F. Zhai, Y. Eisenberg, C. Luna, T. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. Katsaggelos, "Packetization schemes for forward error correction in
Internet video streaming," 41st Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control and Computing, Oct. 1-3, 2003.
F. Zhai, C. Luna, Y. Eisenberg, T. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. Katsaggelos, "A novel cost-distortion optimization framework for
video streaming over differentiated services networks," 2003
IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Barcelona,
Spain, Sept. 2003.
Y. Eisenberg, F. Zhai, T. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. Katsaggelos, "Variance-aware distortion estimation for wireless
video communications," 2003
IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Barcelona,
Spain, Sept. 2003.
R. Berry,
"Power and Delay Optimal Transmission Scheduling: Small
Delay Asymptotics," 2003 IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory ,
Yokohama, Japan, June 29 - July 4, 2003.
X. Qin and R. Berry, "A Distributed
Splitting Algorithm for
Exploiting Multiuser Diversity," 2003 IEEE International Symposium
on Information Theory , Yokohama, Japan, June 29 - July 4,
F. Zhai, R. Berry, T. Pappas, and A. Katsaggelos, "A
rate-distortion optimized error control scheme for scalable video
streaming over the Internet," 2003 IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, MD, July 6-9, 2003.
X. Qin and R. Berry,
"Exploiting Multiuser Diversity for Medium Access Control in Wireless
Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2003 , San Francisco,
CA, March 30 - April 3, 2003.
P. Liu, R. Berry, and M. Honig,
"Delay-Sensitive Packet Scheduling in Wireless Networks,"
IEEE WCNC 2003, New Orleans, LA, March 16-20, 2003.
C. Zhou, M. Honig, S. Jordan, and R. Berry, "Forward-Link Resource Allocation for a Two-Cell
Voice Network with Multiple Service Classes," IEEE
WCNC 2003, New Orleans, LA, March 16-20, 2003.
P. Liu, R. Berry, M. Honig, and S. Jordan, "Slow-Rate Utility-based Resource Allocation in Wireless
Networks," 2002 IEEE GLOBECOM
Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 17-21, 2002.
N. Arulselvan and R. Berry,
"Efficient Power Allocations in Wireless ARQ Protocols,"
5th International Symposium on
Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, ,
Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 27-30, 2002.
C. Zhou, M. Honig, S. Jordan and R. Berry, "Utility-Based
Resource Allocation for Wireless Networks with Mixed Voice and Data
Services," 11th International Conference on
Computer Communications and Networks, Miami, FL,
Oct. 14-16, 2002.
R. Berry, P. Liu, and M. Honig,
"Design and Analysis of Downlink
Utility-Based Schedulers," 40th Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, Oct. 2-4, 2002.
N. Arulselvan and R. Berry,
"Power Efficient ARQ Schemes for Wireless
Gaussian Channels," 40th Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, Oct. 2-4, 2002.
Y. Sun, C.C. Lee, R. Berry and A. Haddad, "A Load Adaptive ACK Pacer for TCP Traffic
Control," 40th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control,
and Computing, pp. 1619-1620, Oct. 2-4, 2002.
Y. Eisenberg, C. Luna, T. Pappas, R. Berry and
A. Katsaggelos, "Energy Efficient Wireless Video Communications for
the Digital Set-top Box," special session 2002 IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing, Sept. 22-25, 2002.
Y. Eisenberg, C. Luna, T. Pappas, R. Berry and
A. Katsaggelos, "Optimal Source Coding and Transmission Power
Management Using a Min-Max Expected Distortion
Approach," 2002 IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing, Sept. 22-25, 2002.
C.E. Luna, Y. Eisenberg, T. Pappas, R. Berry and
A. Katsaggelos, "Joint Source coding and Packet Marking for Video
Transmission over DiffServ Networks," 2002 Tyrhenian Workshop on
Digital Communications, Capri, Italy, Sept. 8-11, 2002.
P. Marbach and R. Berry, " Downlink
Resource Allocation and Pricing for Wireless Networks," IEEE
INFOCOM 2002, New York, NY, June 23-27, 2002.
C. Luna, Y. Eisenberg, R. Berry, T. Pappas, and
A. Katsaggelos, "Joint Source Coding and Data Rate Adaption for Energy
Efficient Wireless Video Streaming," 12th International
Packetvideo Workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, April 24-26, 2002.
R. Berry and E. Modiano,
"Switching and Traffic Grooming in WDM Networks," invited paper, 1st Symposium on
Photonics, Networking and Computing, Durham, NC, March 11-14, 2002.
C. Luna, Y. Eisenberg, T. Pappas, R. Berry, and
A. Katsaggelos, "Joint Source Channel Coding for Efficient Energy
Utilization in Wireless Video Communication," 35th
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific
Grove, CA, Nov. 4-7, 2001.
E. Modiano and R. Berry, "The Role of Switching in Reducing
Network Port Counts," invited paper, 2001 Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, Oct 3-5, 2001.
X. Qin and R. Berry, "Exploiting Multiuser Diversity in
Wireless ALOHA Networks," 2001 Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, Oct 3-5, 2001.
Y. Eisenberg, T. Pappas, R. Berry, and A. Katsaggelos, "Minimizing
Transmission Energy in Wireless Video Communications,"
2001 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ,
Thessaloniki, Greece, Oct. 7-10, 2001.
C.E. Luna, Y. Eisenberg, T. Pappas, R. Berry, and A. Katsaggelos,
"Transmission Energy Minimization in Wireless
Video Streaming Applications," International Symposium on
Telecommunications, Tehran, Iran, Sept. 1-3, 2001.
R. Berry, "Some Dynamic Resource
Allocation Problems in Wireless Networks", invited paper, SPIE
ITCom 2001, Denver, CO, Aug. 20-24, 2001.
R. Berry, "Communication over Fading
Channels with Finite Buffer Constraints - Single User and Multiple
Access Cases", 2001 IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory , Washington, D.C., June 2001.
E. Modiano and R. Berry, "Using Grooming Cross-connects to reduce
ADM cost in SONET/WDM ring networks", OFC 2001,
Anaheim, CA, March 2001.
R. Berry and R. Gallager, "Buffer Control for
Communication over Fading Channels," 2000 IEEE International
Symposium on Information Theory, Sorrento,
Italy, June 25-30, 2000
R. Berry and E. Modiano,
``Minimizing Electronic Multiplexing Costs for Dynamic
Traffic in Unidirectional SONET Ring Networks'', ICC '99 ,
Vancover, Canada, June 1999.
R. Berry, S. Finn, R. Gallager, H. Kassab, and J. Mills,
``Issues in Low Power Wireless Communication,''
Proc. 3rd ARL Fed. Lab. Symposium, College Park, MD, Feb. 2-4,
R. Berry and E. Modiano,
``Grooming Dynamic Traffic in Unidirectional SONET Ring Networks,''
OFC '99, San Diego, CA, February 1999.
R. Berry, S. Finn, R. Gallager, H. Kassab, and J. Mills,
``Multiple Access Techniques in Future Army
Communications,'' Proc. 2nd ARL Fed. Lab. Symposium,
College Park, MD, Feb. 5-6, 1998.
C.E. Rohrs and R.A. Berry,
``A Linear Control Approach to Explicit Rate Feedback in ATM Netwoks,''
Proc. IEEE Infocom '97, pp. 277-82, Kobe Japan, April 7-11,
R. Berry, S. Finn, R. Gallager, H. Kassab, and J. Mills,
``Architecture for Local Wireless Military Networks,''
Proc. 1st ARL Fed. Lab. Symposium , College Park, MD, Jan. 21-22,
C.E. Rohrs, R.A. Berry, and S.J. O'Halek,
``Control Engineer's look at ATM congestion avoidance,''
Proc. Globecom '95, pp. 1089-94, Singapore, Nov. 13-17, 1995.