Haoqi Zhang

Associate Professor, CS+Design
Mudd 3531
CV / talks / letters / documentary
research / teaching / service

Delta Lab / DTR
Computer Science / Segal Design
Technology & Social Behavior

I direct the Design, Technology, and Research (DTR) program at Northwestern, and co-direct the Delta Lab with Matt Easterday, Liz Gerber, and Nell O'Rourke. My research bridges the fields of Social Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Design, Learning Science, and Decision Science.

The goal of my research is to advance the design of integrated socio-technical models that promote and advance core human values. My personal research focuses on the value of self-direction. I am studying what self-direction is; what gets in the way of self-direction; and how can be fostered, developed, taught, and learned. If you are an expert on this topic, regardless of your field of practice, please reach out to me and I'd love to learn from you.

With my students, I design, build, and study Computational Ecosystems that interweave community process, social structures, and intelligent systems to unite people and machines to advance human values. Research directions my students are leading include:

agile research studios: advance research training with organizational processes and cyberlearning technologies for research communities.
Values: metacognition; practice; belonging; personal growth.
opportunistic collective experiences: programs that facilitate opportunistic interactions between people across time and distance.
Value: human connection
readily available learning experiences: transform the entire web of professional code examples into opportunities for authentic learning.
Values: self-directed learning; interest, exploration, and wonder
flexible coordination in on-the-go crowdsourcing: promote convenient individual contributions to a communal goal; sense the world while building habits.
Values: personal autonomy; service to community
These and other projects are made possible through generously support from National Science Foundation grants in Cyber-Human Systems, Cyberlearning (1, 2, 3), and the Research Initiation Initiative; a Google Faculty Research Award; Microsoft FUSE Labs Research Award; Northwestern's Murphy Society Grant; and Northwestern's Office of the Provost Award for Digital Learning.

Exploring the Interplay of Metacognition, Affect, and Behaviors in an Introductory Computer Science Course for Non-Majors [PDF]
Yinmiao Li, Melissa Chen, Ayse Hunt, Haoqi Zhang, and Eleanor O'Rourke
ICER '24, Melbourne, Australia, 2024.

Searching for the Non-Consequential: Dialectical Activities in HCI and the Limits of Computers [PDF]
Haoqi Zhang.
CHI '24, Honolulu, HI, USA, 2024.

The Undervalued Disciplinary and Emotional Support Provided By Teaching Assistants in Introductory Computer Science Courses [PDF]
Yinmiao Li, Haoqi Zhang, and Nell O'Rourke.
ISLS '24, Buffalo NY, USA 2024.

Orchestration Scripts: A System for Encoding an Organization’s Ways of Working to Support Situated Work [PDF]
Kapil Garg, Darren Gergle, and Haoqi Zhang.
CHI '23, Hamburg, Germany, 2023.

Understanding the Practices and Challenges of Networked Orchestration in Research Communities of Practice [PDF]
Kapil Garg, Darren Gergle, and Haoqi Zhang.
CSCW '22, online, 2022.

Affinder: Expressing Concepts of Situations that Afford Activities using Context-Detectors [PDF]
Ryan Louie, Darren Gergle, and Haoqi Zhang.
CHI '22, New Orleans, 2022.

Opportunistic Collective Experiences: Identifying Shared Situations and Structuring Shared Activities at Distance [PDF, talk]
Ryan Louie, Kapil Garg, Jennie Werner, Allison Sun, Darren Gergle, and Haoqi Zhang.
CSCW '20, online, 2020.

4X: A Hybrid Approach for Scaffolding Data Collection and Interest in Low-Effort Participatory Sensings [PDF, demo, slides]
Kapil Garg, Yongsung Kim, Darren Gergle, and Haoqi Zhang.
CSCW '19, Austin, Texas, 2019.

Isopleth: Supporting Sensemaking of Professional Web Applications to Create Readily Available Learning Experiences [PDF]
Josh Hibschman, Darren Gergle, Eleanor O'Rourke, and Haoqi Zhang.

Ply: A Visual Web Inspector for Learning from Professional Webpages [PDF, talk, slides]
Sarah Lim, Josh Hibschman, Eleanor O'Rourke, and Haoqi Zhang.
UIST '18, Berlin, Germany, 2018.
honorable mention for best paper

Hit-or-Wait: Coordinating Opportunistic Low-effort Contributions to Achieve Global Outcomes in On-the-go Crowdsourcing [PDF, slides]
Yongsung Kim, Darren Gergle, and Haoqi Zhang.
CHI '18, Montreal, Canada, 2018.

Agile Research Studios: Orchestrating Communities of Practice to Advance Research Training at Scale [PDF, slides, ARS University, Pair Research platform]
Haoqi Zhang, Matthew W. Easterday, Elizabeth Gerber, Daniel Rees Lewis, and Leesha Maliakal.
CSCW '17, Portland, 2017.

Understanding Trust amid Delays in Crowdfunding [PDF, slides]
Yongsung Kim, Aaron Shaw, Haoqi Zhang, and Elizabeth Gerber.
CSCW '17, Portland, 2017.

Telescope: Fine-Tuned Discovery of Interactive Web UI Feature Implementation [PDF, slides, talk]
Joshua Hibschman and Haoqi Zhang.
UIST '16, Tokyo, 2016.

Habitsourcing: Sensing the Environment through Immersive, Habit-Building Experiences [PDF, slides, talk]
Katherine Lin, Henry Spindell, Scott Cambo, Yongsung Kim, and Haoqi Zhang.
UIST '16, Tokyo, 2016.

Studying the Effects of Task Notification Policies on Participation and Outcomes in On-the-go Crowdsourcing [PDF, slides]
Yongsung Kim, Emily Harburg, Shana Azria, Aaron Shaw, Elizabeth Gerber, Darren Gergle, and Haoqi Zhang.
HCOMP '16, Austin, 2016.

Unravel: Rapid Web Application Reverse Engineering via Interaction Recording, Source Tracing, and Library Detection [PDF, slides, talk]
Josh Hibschman and Haoqi Zhang.
UIST '15, Charlotte, 2015.

Remote Paper Prototype Testing [PDF, slides]
Kevin Chen and Haoqi Zhang.
CHI '15, Seoul, 2015.

Attendee-sourcing: Exploring the Design Space of Community-Informed Conference Scheduling [PDF]
Anant Bhardwaj, Juho Kim, Steven P. Dow, David Karger, Sam Madden, Robert C. Miller, Haoqi Zhang.
HCOMP '14, Pittsburgh, 2014.

Computer Supported Collective Action. [Article]
Aaron Shaw, Haoqi Zhang, Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Sean Munson, Benjamin Mako Hill, Elizabeth Gerber, Peter Kinnaird, and Patrick Minder.
interactions: 21, 2, March 2014.

Frenzy: Collaborative Data Organization for Creating Conference Sessions. [PDF]
Chilton, Kim, Andre, Cordeiro, Landay, Weld, Dow, Miller, and Zhang.
CHI '14, Toronto, 2014.
honorable mention for best paper

Pair Research: Matching People for Collaboration, Learning, and Productivity. [PDF]
Robert C. Miller, Haoqi Zhang, Eric Gilbert, and Elizabeth Gerber.
CSCW '14, Baltimore, 2014.

Community clustering: Leveraging an academic crowd to form coherent conference sessions. [PDF, Demo]
Andre, Zhang, Kim, Chilton, Dow, and Miller.
HCOMP '13, Palm Springs, 2013.
notable paper award

Cobi: A Community-Informed Conference Scheduling Tool [PDF, Project Overview & Demo]
Juho Kim, Haoqi Zhang, Paul André, Lydia Chilton, Wendy MacKay, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Robert C. Miller, Steven P. Dow.
UIST '13, St Andrews, 2013.

Automated Workflow Synthesis [PDF]
Haoqi Zhang, Eric Horvitz, and David Parkes.
In AAAI '13, Bellevue, 2013.

Cobi: Communitysourcing Large-Scale Conference Scheduling [PDF, Project Overview & Demo]
Haoqi Zhang, Paul André, Lydia Chilton, Juho Kim, Steven P. Dow, Robert C. Miller, Wendy MacKay, and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon.
Demo at CHI Interactivity, 2013.

Computational Environment Design
[PDF, slides]
Haoqi Zhang
Dissertation, Harvard University, 2012.
Front matter
1. Introduction
2. Human Computation Algorithms
3. Human Computation with Global Constraints
4. Harnessing Crowd Abilities: Control and Synthesis
5. Task Routing
6. Automated Environment Design
7. Automated Task Design
8. Automated Workflow Synthesis
9. Conclusion

Hallucination: a Mixed-Initiative Approach for Efficient Document Reconstruction [PDF, slides, video]
Haoqi Zhang, John Lai, and Moritz Baecher.
In HCOMP '12, Toronto, 2012.

Human Computation Tasks with Global Constraints [PDF, slides, video]
Haoqi Zhang, Edith Law, Krzysztof Gajos, Eric Horvitz, Rob Miller, and David Parkes.
In CHI '12, Austin, 2012.
honorable mention for best paper

Task Routing for Prediction Tasks [PDF, slides]
Haoqi Zhang, Eric Horvitz, Yiling Chen, and David Parkes.
In AAMAS '12, Valencia, Spain, 2012.
Earlier version [PDF, slides] appeared at the ACM EC Workshop on social computing & user-generated content, 2011.

TurkServer: Enabling Synchronous and Longitudinal Online Experiments [PDF]
Andrew Mao, Yiling Chen, Krzysztof Gajos, David Parkes, Ariel Procaccia, and Haoqi Zhang
In HCOMP '12, Toronto, 2012.

Economics of BitTorrent Communities [PDF, slides, interview]
Ian Kash, John Lai, Haoqi Zhang, and Aviv Zohar.
In WWW '12, Lyon, France, 2012.
Earlier version [PDF, slides] appeared at the ACM EC workshop on NetEcon, 2011.

PlateMate: Crowdsourcing Nutrition Analysis from Food Photographs.
[PDF, slides]
Jon Noronha, Eric Hysen, Haoqi Zhang, and Krzysztof Z. Gajos.
In UIST '11, Santa Barbara, 2011.

Towards Large-Scale Collaborative Planning: Answering High-Level Search Queries Using Human Computation [PDF, slides]
Edith Law and Haoqi Zhang.
In AAAI '11, San Francisco, 2011.

An Iterative Dual Pathway Structure for Speech-to-Text Transcription [PDF, slides]
Beatrice Liem, Haoqi Zhang, and Yiling Chen.
In HCOMP '11 (held at AAAI), San Francisco, 2011.

Crowdsourcing General Computation [PDF]
Haoqi Zhang, Eric Horvitz, Rob Miller, and David C. Parkes.
In the CHI 2011 workshop on crowdsourcing and human computation, 2011.
Also available as MSR technical report MSR-TR-2011-6.

Incentive Design for Adaptive Agents [PDF, slides]
Yiling Chen, Jerry Kung, David Parkes, Ariel Procaccia, and Haoqi Zhang.
In AAMAS '11, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011.

Toward Automatic Task Design: A Progress Report [PDF, slides]
Eric Huang, Haoqi Zhang, David Parkes, Krzysztof Gajos, and Yiling Chen.
In KDD-HCOMP'10, Washington, DC, 2010.

Policy Teaching Through Reward Function Learning [PDF, slides]
Haoqi Zhang, David C. Parkes, and Yiling Chen.
In the 10th ACM Electronic Commerce Conference (EC'09), Stanford, CA, 2009.

A General Approach to Environment Design with One Agent [PDF, slides]
Haoqi Zhang, Yiling Chen, and David C. Parkes.
In the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), Pasadena, CA, 2009.

Strong Activity Rules for Iterative Combinatorial Auctions [PDF]
Pavithra Harsha, Cynthia Barnhart, David C. Parkes, and Haoqi Zhang.
In Computers & Operations Research, 2009.

Value-based Policy Teaching with Active Indirect Elicitation [PDF, slides]
Haoqi Zhang and David C. Parkes.
In the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'08), Chicago, IL, 2008
accepted for oral & poster presentation

Enabling Environment Design via Active Indirect Elicitation [PDF, slides]
Haoqi Zhang and David C. Parkes.
In the 4th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, Chicago, IL, 2008.

Policy Teaching through Reward Function Learning [PDF]
Haoqi Zhang
Undergraduate thesis, Computer Science and Economics, Harvard College, 2007 (Hoopes Prize Winner).

Haoqi I am a foodie. Contact me about restaurant recommendations.

Oh, and my dog Stella is awesome.